What do I need to do?
All students are encouraged to participate in the BYOD program. To do this, they first need to download and sign the
BYOD agreement Check the Specification Sheet to verify what device should be purchased. At the start of the new year you can "Onboard" the laptop following these instructions, video and other Operating system instructions are available at Onboarding at Home. The Onboarding will allow the laptop to connect to the school Wi-Fi network. To begin this process your child will need to know their school username and password from their previous Queensland state school . Their email address will be username@eq.edu.au. If there are any problems or your child does not remember their username or password they will be to get those details when arriving at Gympie SHS. If there are problems, student can bring their device to the Resource Centre (Library) to have it connected to the school network.
What year levels are involved?
In 2023 we commenced delivering year 7 lessons through the Qlearn External link online platform. In 2025 we'll continue this with our incoming year 7 students. Across all year levels and classes, there will be an increasing amount of online learning to enhance traditional classroom lesson delivery. For this reason it is becoming necessary for your daughter/son to bring their own laptop to school, every day.
Practical classes
Classes that involve practical tasks, including Industrial Design and Technology, Hospitality, Health and Physical Education and Art, will from time to time require students to engage in tasks that will not involve use of their laptop. However, students will need their laptop for a combination of theory work, report writing, research and assessment in all subjects.
What are teachers doing?
Our teachers are engaging with a range of technological tools to assist students with their learning, such as in Health and Physical Education students are recording their performance in a variety of settings to later analyse using motion analysis software. Industrial Design and Technology and STEM teachers are using a range of software, such as computer aided drafting (CAD) and 3D modelling programs, to improve productivity and enhance learning.
What about traditional learning styles?
We will maintain a balance in learning styles with kinaesthetic learning remaining an important part of our overall program. Practical, physical and experiential activities are important components of a well-rounded education.
Students won't be using their device in every class. There will be times when it's more appropriate to use other methods of learning. For specific details about this, please contact your child's teacher directly. If you don't know the teacher's email address or phone number
contact our office and we'll put you in touch with the right staff member.