Gympie State High School, with full support of the Parents and Citizens Association, support the wearing of a school uniform and a range of options are available.
Struddy's is the supplier for Gympie High's uniforms.
Click here for the Struddys website
Parents have the opportunity to purchase uniforms online and uniforms will be delivered directly to their residential address.
New enrolments only will be able to access a limited selection of uniforms at our schools tuckshop from Monday to Friday mornings from 8-9am. EFTPOS or cash accepted.
If students are in incorrect uniform they will be required to change into a uniform provided by the school. Continued non-compliance of the uniform policy is a breach of the enrolment agreement and will result in a parent interview with a member of the administration team.
In our policies folder you'll find policies covering:
- Uniform Policy
- Footwear requirements